RJPS Vol No: 14 Issue No: 4 eISSN: pISSN:2249-2208
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Shailin Dkhar* , Akila E, V B Narayana Swamy, Pruthvi N
Department of Pharmacognosy, RR college of Pharmacy, Bangalore, Karnataka.
*Corresponding author:
Dr. Shailin Dkhar, Department of Pharmacognosy, RR College of Pharmacy, Chikkabanavara, Bangalore, Karnataka – 560090. E-mail: shaidkhar@gmail.com
Received date: February 19, 2022; Accepted date: March 23, 2022; Published date: March 31, 2022

Chenopodium spp (Chenopodiaceae) is a miracle herb widely used by Indian tribes for treating various diseases. Chenopodium spp. extracts have been used to cure a variety of diseases since ancient times. Chenopodium spp., on the other hand, has seen a renaissance of interest in recent decades. The aim of the current review is to search the literature for the pharmacological properties, pharmacognostic studies, and phytochemical investigation in the ongoing and emerging areas of research of this plant species, especially in the field of phytomedicines and pharmaceuticals of various species of Chenopodium. This comprehensive review critically analyzes folklore claims of Chenopodium spp with scientific evidence, delineating its phytochemical-basedpharmaceutical properties and emphasizing the clinical utility of the plant in various chronic diseases. The information gathered could assist researchers focus on the most important areas of inquiry that have yet to be found. Complete information has been collected from various books and journals. These findings give an in-depth examination of the biological impacts of main bioactive components found in crude extracts of Chenopodium species from diverse regions.
Herbal medicine (HM) is the core of complementary and alternative medicine, which has gained significant popularity around the world in recent years and is progressively making its way into mainstream healthcare systems. In many rural African and Asian societies, herbal remedies remain an important part of primary healthcare. It is also an important component of the culture of many nations around the world. Many herbs and herbal mixtures have a lengthy history of traditional folk applications and health claims. According to scientific evidence, HMs contain complex chemical components that are responsible for the pharmacological actions that correspond to the health advantages and/or toxicity they produce.1
Due to the growing popularity of herbal medicines, stakes in global marketplaces (both local and global) have increased and the annual sale is rapidly approaching to US $62 billion.2
Herbal medicines can have a variety of benefits, but they can also have side effects. The activities of secondary metabolites have been connected to the pharmacologic and most hazardous effects produced by HMs. Herbal medicines have been utilized appropriately, mistreated, and misunderstood in numerous cases. The benefits of herbal medicines as a means of healthcare are largely dependent on correct and adequate knowledge, and experiences of misuse and misunderstanding have been linked to the herbal medicine knowledge gap,particularly as it relates to their benefits and potential drawbacks by primary healthcare professionals: doctors, pharmacists, nurses, and the public.
Herbal medicine will continue to gain popularity around the world for a variety of reasons, necessitating the urgent need for appropriate and sufficient information on herbal medicines, particularly that focusing on important topics such as benefits, efficacy, safety, toxicity, research and development, formulation, regulation, analytical techniques, quality control, and economic significance.3
Herbal medicine is a significant part of primary healthcare in several communities. Indeed, herbal-based traditional remedies are used by up to 80% of Africa’s rural people for the majority of their healthcare. Herbal medications, which are widely delivered at home in Ghana, Mali, Nigeria, and Zambia, are the first line of treatment for 60 percent of children with high fevers caused by malaria and other infections. Traditional medicine, which is based on herbal treatments, has a strong culture in rural South Africa.
Herbal medications account for roughly half of all health product use in China and India. As the world’s attention to HM grows, so does the list of the number of medical plants and products accessible is growing, as is the consumption rate, especially in nations where conventional healthcare is readily available. In addition, around 40% of the adult population in the United States has used herbal medication.4
Pharmacological properties
Fig 1: Diagrammatic representation of pharmacological properties of Chenopodium spp. Due to its major active components based on in vitro and in vivo studies.
Plant description Chenopodium species are members of the Amaranthaceae family. Domestication of many species in this genus as grain, vegetable, or fodder crops has a long history. As a result, determining genetic ties and origins is difficult. Chenopodium spp. is divided into two subspecies, one from India and the other from America. Traditional indigenous knowledge demonstrates the enormous therapeutic benefit of practically all parts of the plant, including the leaves, seeds, and stem. 5,6
It thrives in a Mediterranean climate but requires full or partial shade. Chenopodium spp. has little requirements in terms of soil quality. It also exhibits weed-like features such as rapid growth and spread. Chenopodium spp. commercial cultivation is nearly non-existent. Chenopodium spp., on the other hand, could be a plant of the future due to its consistent and high production. 7,8
Images of the different species of Chenopodium were given below
Pharmacognostical characters
Fresh leaves, stems, and aerial sections of C. album were obtained and analysed macroscopically for morphological characteristics such as colour, taste, and odour. Other exterior characteristics of leaves were investigated, including venation, surface, base, border, size, and form. The leaves were discovered to be dark green in colour with a smooth underside. The leaves are deltoid to lanceolate in shape, upper whole, rhomboid, lower toothed or irregularly lobed, and lanceolate to oblong in shape. The petioles were 1 to 1.3 cm long and as long as the thick blade, and the size was around 11-14 cm long. It has a dentate margin and a length ranging from 9 to 4.5 cm.
A well-built periderm with 8 to 11 coatings of tangentially extended cork cells, 3 to 5 coverings of phelloderm, and cortex with parenchymatous cells can be seen in a transverse section of a mature stem of C. album. The thick walled pericyclic and lignified phloem fibres with abundant starch grains and sclerencymatous tissues were visible in these parenchymatous cells. The steller region of the endodermis is made up of rings of vascular bundles ringed by pericyclic fibres. The transverse section of a C. album leaf reveals that it is a dorsiventral leaf with palisade cells in the upper epidermal layer. Palisade cells are lengthy and cover approximately half of the leaflet’s surface. In the upper epidermis, thick walled parenchymatous cells were present, however in the lower epidermis, spherical thin walled collenchymas replaced the cells. Collenchymatous cells interrupt the palisade layer below the top epidermis in the mid rib area. Spiral and annular arteries were seen near the vascular bundles in thick-walled parenchymatous cells. The upper epidermis has flattened cells, whereas the lower epidermis has rounder cells.The vascular bundles are grouped in the midrib region below the collenchymatous cells. The number of xylem vessels ranges from 12 to 15.9
C. ambrosioides is a pubescent perennial with a branching stem that is typically postrated. Small green flowers in dense terminal panicles of glomerules, each with five sepals, adorn the oblong-lanceolated and serrated leaves. The fruits are enclosed by a persistent calyx, and the seeds are black and horizontal. It has a pilose to glabrous base that is sometimes ligneous. The leaves are narrowly elliptical to elliptical, pinnatifid topinnatisect, and the stems are aristate. Three–five sepals, free or partially or completely joined, and five–three stamens, free or occasionally with adnate filaments The ovary is compressed and spherical, with a short style. The fruit and seeds are enclosed in a black and horizontal calyx (less than 0.8mm long).
Due to the development of anomalous secondary thickening, characterised by a concentric zone of irregularly distributed collateral vascular bundles that arise from a succession of arcs of cambium, the root of C. ambrosioides has a circular shape and presents periderm and a very small cortical region in transverse section. Several cells containing starch and idioblasts with crystal sand can be found in all roots. The stem of C. ambrosioides exhibits a polygonal shape in transverse section,with sections that are more conspicuous. Trichomes, which are non-glandular trichomes, multicellular, and uniseriate, with expanded cells at the base and an extended apical cell and glandular trichomes, are found throughout its expansion. The noncapitate glandular trichome, which has a short uniseriate stalk and a small globoid apex and bends toward the epidermis, and the capitate glandular trichome, which has a short pedicel and a huge unicellular head, are the two forms. The epidermis is made up of a single layer of cells with a thin cuticle on top. Stomata are implanted above the epidermal cell level. A layer of cells is seen in less prominent sections of the stem, close to the epidermis, that could be part of the epidermis, making it multilayered, or it could be a hypodermis. The angular collenchyma, which is formed of 4-9 layers of cells, is found beneath the epidermis in more conspicuous areas. Idioblasts containing crystal sand are found in the cortical parenchyma. The endodermis is the final layer of the cortical structure. Anomalous secondary thickening can also be seen in the root and stem. There are two distinct zones of vascular bundles: one closer to the endodermis, where collateral bundles are dispersed in a continuous ring; and another closer to the medullary region, where collateral bundles are scattered discontinuously, separated from one another by parenchyma.10
Traditional uses
The young shoots and leaves of Chenopodium species can be eaten cooked like spinach, another member of the Amaranthaceae. During the cooking process, most of the oxalic acid and saponins are eliminated, especially if heated for 2 minutes at 100 °C (212 °F). However, the leaves can be eaten raw in little amounts, such as in a salad. The seeds can be cooked in the same way as rice or quinoa, or ground into flour and combined with cereal flour for bread making. Due to the partially pink coloured leaves of some species of Chenopodium it also has an ornamental value.11,12,13
The extract and essential oils of Chenopodium species are used as anthelmintic due to the presence of Ascaridole. The essential oil is known to possess allelopathic activity, and its aqueous extract is considered a blood purifier, stimulant, and cures hypothermia.14,15,16
Chenopodium species also finds use in multiple the rapeutic applications such as expectorant, anticonvulsant, antibacterial, and tonic. According to an ethnomedicinal survey conducted in the Kashmir Himalayas, the plant’s seed decoction is used to cure a headache caused by gallbladder problems, to treat tapeworm infestation in youngsters, anthelmintic, diuretic, liver diseases, and laxative. In Tibetan medicine, it is used to treat stomach and liver problems.17,18,19,20
Active constituents of Chenopodium species
The genus Chenopodium has yielded chemicals with a wide range of structural patterns because of phytochemical research. Because of the widespread usage of the Chenopodium genus in traditional medicine, extensive chemical investigation of the plants and their active principles has been conducted.21
The major phytoconstituents isolated from C.album are non-polar lipids, phenols, lignins, alkaloids, flavonids, glycosides, saponins, ascorbic acid, β-carotene, catechin, gallocatechin, caffeic acid, p-coumaric acid, ferulic acid, β-sitosterol, campesterol, xanthotoxin, stigmasterol, n-triacontanol, imperatorin, ecdysteroid crytomeridiol, ntransferuloyl- 4-O-methyl dopamine , β- sitosterol, lupeol and 3 hydroxy nonadecyl henicosanoate.22 Trace elemental analysis of leaves of C. album contained sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, phosphorus, copper, manganese, and nitrogen.23 The leaves of C. album also gave 0.64% oils v/w like tricyclene, α-thujene, α-pinene, camphene, sabinene, β-pinene, myrecene, p-cymene, limonene, benzyl alcohol,1,8-cineole, cis-ocimene, γ-terpinene, linalool, pinane-2-ol, allo ocimene, citronellal, borneol, terpinen4-ol,α-terpineol, citronellol, ascaridole, neral, linalyl acetate, geranial, borneol acetate, thymol, carvacrol, ethyl cinnamate, acetyl eugenol, elemicin and benzyl benzoate.24
In C. ambrosioides oils, oxygenated monterpenes like ascaridole, isoascaridole, p-cymene, p-mentha, 1, 2, 8 triene, neral, geraniol, carvacrol are isolated. Monoterpene hydrocarbons like α-terpinene, p-cymene, trans- β-ocimene, γ-terpinene, and terpinolene are also isolated.25 other constituents like α-Pinene, β-Pinene, δ-4-Carene, ρ,α-Dimenthylstyrene, trans-ρ-2,8- menthadien-1-ol, 2-Ethylcyclohexanone, γ-Terpinene, α,α-4-Trimethylbenzyl alcohol, p-Cymen, α-Terpineol, cis-Piperitol, Piperitone, Piperitone oxide, 3,4-Epoxyρ-menthan-2-one, Thymol, Precocene II, Elemicin, Caryophyllene oxide, Allyltetramethoxybenzene, Asarone, Geranyl tiglate and Phytols are identified.26 Other chemicals like aritasone, butyric-acid, d-camphor, essential oils, ferulic-acid, geraniol, l-pinocarvone, limonene, malic-acid, menthadiene, menthadiene hydroperoxides, methylsalicylate, myrcene, p-cymol, safrole, saponins, spinasterol, tartaric-acid, terpinene, terpinyl-acetate, terpinyl-salicylate, triacontyl-alcohol trimethylamine, urease, and vanillic-acid.27 Chemicals like Terpinolene, p-cymenene, terpinen-4-ol, p-cymen8-ol, oxyde de carvenone, cis-oxyde de piperitone, transoxyde de piperitone, trans-glycol ascaridole, cis-glycol ascaridole, Carvacrol, tiglate d’hexyle, Perillaldehyde, acétate de 9-menthenyle are isolated.28
C. botrys contains components like α- and β-eudesmol, αand β-chenopodiol, eudesma-3,11-dien-6α-ol, botrydiol, elemol, elemol acetate, γ-eudesmol, guaia-3,9-dien-11- ol, juniper camphor, elemol, α-cadinol, epi-α-muurolol, cubenol, α-chenopodiol acetate, eudesma-3, 11-dien6-α-ol, γ-terpineol, p-cymene, iso-ascaridole, elemol acetat, elemol, botrydiol, α-chenopodiol, β-eudesmol, selina-3.11-dien-6α-ol, ascaridole, α-terpinene, p-cymene, E-caryophyllene, limonene, 2,3-dehydro4-oxo-β-Ionone, (+)-7-epi-amiteol, 2-(4α.8-dimethyl1.α.5.6.7-octahydro-naphthalen-2-yl)-prop2-enl-ol are isolated.29 Essential oils of C. botrys contains components like α-eudesmol, epi- α-muurolol, cubenol, germacrene D-4- ol, elemol, bis (2-ethyl hexyl)- phethalates, Ȣ-cadinene, phethalates, A-chenopodiol, germacrenen D, elemeneγ, hinesol, α-eudesmol acetate, γ-eudesmol acetate, β-elemene, carotol, B-chenopodiol, botrydiol, viridyflorol, α-copaene- 11 -ol, guaiol acetate, β-myrcene, β-gurjunene, α-cadinene, γ-eudesmol, juniper camphor, β-funebrene, cubenene, β-caryophyllene, and β-cubebene.30
Antioxidant properties of Chenopodium species
Antioxidant molecules which reduce effect of free radicals are in abundance in Chenopodium species (Table 1).
Leaves and seeds of Chenopodium as well as their extracts shown to possess high antioxidant activities as compared to other parts. A study by Pandey et. al. of C. album leaves extract using pet ether, dichloromethane, ethyl acetate, and methanol shows antioxidant activity of the extract. The pet ether, methanol and aqueous extract of C. album revealed good antioxidant potential of ABTS (2,2’-azino-bis (3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid)) with ic50 value of 34, 11 and 2.9 respectively and FRAP (Ferric reducing ability of plasma) with BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene) equivalents of 26.33, 70.16, 146.66, 54.16, 23.16 of pet ether, dichloromethane, ethyl acetate, methanol, and water respectively.31 Korkan et. al. shows antioxidant activity by calculating the total oxidative status (TOS) and the total antioxidative status (TAS) levels of the ethanolic leaves extract of C. album. 32 Hafeez et. al. shows antioxidant activity of fruits and leaves of C. album methanol extract. Results revealed that the leaves extract exhibits better antioxidant activity and in the higher total phenolic contents (3066 mg of GAE/100 g) when compared to fruits extract (1385 mg of GAE/100 g).33 Baldi et. al. shows study of antioxidant activity of alcoholic extract of C. album seeds with concentrations of 5, 25, 50, 75 and 100 µg/ml by DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picryl-hydrazyl-hydrate), ABTS (2,2’-azino-bis (3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid)) and NO (Nitric oxide) scavenging activity. Maximum percentage inhibition of DPPH by the extract was found to be 38.78% at 100 µg/ml concentration. Standard drug, i.e., ascorbic acid showed 48.59% inhibition of DPPH radical at 50 µg/ml. In ABTS radical cation method, maximum absorbance of C. album extract at 100 µg/ ml level was comparable with ascorbic acid (75 µg/ ml). In NO model, maximum percentage inhibition of NO radicals by C. album extract was 35.96% at a concentration of 100 µg/ml and ascorbic acid at 50 µg/ ml level caused 45.89% inhibition. He also establishes scientific evidence to use of C. album seeds in treatment of hepatic disorders.34 Nahar et. al. shows antioxidant activity of seeds of C. album extracts by DPPH method.35 Nengroo et. al. shows antioxidant activity of seeds of C. album at concentration of 25, 50, 100 and 200 μg/ml by DPPH, NBT (Nitro blue tetrazolium) assay, H2O2 (Hydrogen peroxide) scavenging activity and ABTS. Maximum percentage inhibition of DPPH by C. album extract was found to be 87.73 ± 0.09% at 200 µg/ml concentration. In ABTS radical cation assay, maximum percentage inhibition of C. album extract at 200 µg/ml was found to be 85.70 ± 0.11%. In NBT scavenging assay, maximum percentage inhibition by C. album extract was 66.79 ± 0.01% at a concentration of 200 µg/ml. %. In H2O2 scavenging assay, maximum percentage inhibition by C. album extract was 87.67 ± 0.04% at a concentration of 200 µg/ml.36 Nowak et al. shows the antioxidant activity of herb, roots and seeds extracts by DPPH assay, lipid peroxidation inhibition, reducing power activity and metal chelating activity of C. album C. rubrum, C. urbicum, and C. hybridum. 37 Bashir et. al. shows the antioxidant activity of extracts of C. album by scavenging effect on superoxide anion radicals and hydroxyl radicals.38 Amodeo et. al. shows antioxidant activity of aerial parts methanolic extract of C. album. 39 C. ambrosioides oil also exhibits potent antioxidant activity when tested by ABTS assay.40 Ajaib et. al. shows that aqueous extracts of bark and fruits of C. ambrosioides exhibits maximum antioxidant potential in Metal Chelating Activity assay and ABTS assay and petroleum ether bark extract shows maximum % DPPH value.41 Ghareeb et. al. shows antioxidant activity of C. ambrosioides leaves extract by DPPH and Phosphomolybdenum assay.42 G. W. Tchani et. al. shows antioxidant activity of ethanol and water extract of aerial parts of C. ambrosioides by DPPH assay.43 Alitonou et. al. shows antioxidant activity of essential oils of C. ambrosioides by DPPH assay.44 Lim et. al. shows antioxidant of ethanol extract of different parts of C. quinoa like leaves, roots, stem, seeds, pericarp, and bran.45 Tan et. al. shows antioxidant activity of polysaccharides of water extract of C. quinoa seeds by DPPH and ABTS assay.46 Yichen et. al. shows antioxidant activity of C. quinoa by DPPH and ABTS activity.47 Liu et. al. shows antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antitumor activity of phenolic compounds obtained from C. quinoa seeds.48 Ren et. al. shows antioxidant activity of lunasin obtained from C. quinoa. 49 Gawlik et. al. shows antioxidant activity of leaves extracts of C. quinoa. 50 Park et. al. shows antioxidant activity of 70% ethanolic extract of seeds of C. quinoa by FRAP and DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1- picryl-hydrazyl-hydrate) assay.51 Peñarrieta et. al shows antioxidant activity of C. pallidicaule by FRAP (Ferric reducing ability of plasma) and ABTS assay. The total antioxidant capacity of the extract varies from 2.7 to 44.7 by FRAP method and from 1.8 to 41 by ABTS assay.52 Ozer et.al. shows antioxidant activity of C. botrys essential oils by radical scavenging (on DPPH, ABTS cation, hydroxyl, nitric oxide, and superoxide anion radicals), phosphomolybdenum, cupric ion reducing (CUPRAC), FRAP, potassium ferricyanide, and ferrous ion chelating assays.53 M.S. Abdel-Aziz et. al. shows antioxidant activity of C. murale silver nanoparticles by DPPH and beta-carotene bleaching assay.54 Nisar Khan et. al. shows antioxidant activity of whole plant of C. murale by DPPH, ABTS, H2O2 and superoxide (NBT) radical scavenging activity.55 Bogdanović et. al. shows antioxidant activity during germination of seeds of C. murale. 56 Kokanova-Nedialkova et. al. shows antioxidant activity of methanolic extract of aerial parts of C. foliosum flavanol glycosides by DPPH and ABTS assay. The highest ABTS radical-scavenging activity of isolated flavonoids was found to be 87.20% ± 0.13 and 81.09% ± 0.06. The highest DPPH activity of isolated flavonoids was found to be 95.03% ± 0.09.57 Dučić et. al. shows antioxidant activity during germination of seeds of C. rubrum.58
in vivo and in vitro pharmacological activity
The proven in-vitro & in-vivo pharmacological activity of Chenopodium species are given in Table 2 & 3. Usman et. al evaluated the anti-inflammatory activity of leaf essential oil of C. album in mice.24 The antidiarrhoeal effects of hydroalcoholic extract (HEMC) of aerial parts of C. album against castor oil-induceddiarrhoea model in rats was evaluated by Nigam et. al. 59 Sikarwar et. al. determines the effect of methanolic and aqueous extracts of leaves of C. album on experimentally induced urolithiasis in rats.60
Y. Dai et. al. evaluated the antipruritic and antinociceptive effects of C. album fruits in mice.61 Nigam et. al. evaluated the hepatoprotective effects of aerial parts of C. album against paracetamol induced liver damage in rats.62 Jain et. al. evaluates the hepatoprotective activity of C. album in rats.63 Jabbar et. al. evaluated the anthelmintic effects of methanolic extract of C. album in sheep.64 Paarakh et. al. evaluated the anti-ulcer effect of C. album against gastric ulcers in rats.65 Pavan Kumar Padarthi et. al. evaluated the anti-ulcer effect of C. album ethanolic extract against Aspirin induced peptic ulcers in rats.66 Chaudhary et. al. evaluates the anti-diabetic potential of the flavonoids obtained from aerial parts of C. album. 67 Ahmad et. al. evaluated the spasmolytic and analgesic effects of ethanolic extract of C. album and its fractions in rabbits and mice respectively.68 Nayak et. al. shows the hepatoprotective activity of C. album aerial parts against carbon tetrachloride induced hepatotoxicity in rats.69 Baldi et. al. evaluated the effect of C. album on sexual behavior and sperm count in male rats.70 Magama et. al. evaluated the anti-nociceptive property of methanolic leaf extracts of C. album in albino mice.71 Ali Said et. al evaluates the wound healing activity of aerial parts (leaves, stem, and shoots) of C. album. 72 Hallal et. al. evaluated the analgesic and antipyretic activities of leaf extract of C. ambrosioides. 73 Song et. al. evaluated the anti-diabetic effect of methanol extract of C. ambrosioides on streptozotocin induced diabetic mice.74 L. Trivellato Grassi et. al. evaluated the antiinflammatory, anti-nociceptive and wound healing effects of C. ambrosioides extract in mice.75 Ibironke et. al. evaluated the anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects of leaf extracts of C. ambrosioides in rats.76 Flavia et. al evaluated the inhibition of ascitic and Ehrlich tumor of hydroalcoholic leaves extracts of C. ambrosioides on mice.77 Mariod et. al. evaluated the gastroprotective effects of C. quinoa seeds in rats.78 Sayyedrostami et. al. evaluated the wound healing activity of C. botrys leaves essential oils in rats.79
Different activities like urolithiatic,80,81antibacterial,82,83DNA protective, antimicrobial,84,85,86, antifungal,87,88,89,90 anthelmintic,91anti- hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, anti-anaphylactic92 and anticancer93,94 activity have been done for various parts of C. album like leaves, aereal parts, roots, stem, inflorescence, pollens and also whole part of the plant using different extracts like pet ether, dichloromethane, ethyl acetate, methanol, ethanol and water.
For C. quinoa pharmacological activities like antibacterial,95 anti-microbial,96,97, anti-fungal,98,99 antiinflammatory,100,101 anti-diabetic, anti-cancer and antitumor activities has been proven using different extracts like water, ethanol, methanol, n-butanol, chloroform, and essential oils extracted from the plant.
Essential oils and water and alcohol extracts of fruits and aerial parts of C. botrys proved to have the anti-bacterial102 and anti-microbial103,104 activity using different microbes like Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Aspergillus niger, Candida albicans, Staphylococcus saprophyticus, Klebisella pneumoniae, Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus epidermis, Streptococcus mutans, Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella typhimurium, Aspergillus, and Bacillus subtilis.
For C. ambrosioides activities like anti-viral,105 cytotoxic,106,107anti-bacterial,108 anti-aflatoxigenic, anti-microbial,109,110 anti-fungal, anthelmintic,111 antiinflammatory, and analgesic112 activities have been proven using different extracts like methanol, ethanol, n-hexane pet ether, chloroform, water and hydroalcoholic extracts and essential oils obtained from different parts like leaves, aerial parts, roots, stem, inflorescence, and whole parts of the plant.
Chenopodium species is a well-known traditional herb that has long been utilized in traditional medicine. To achieve comprehensive wellbeing, the current scientific consensus recommends consuming whole plants rather than isolated components, as nature intended, with full complements of naturally occurring synergistic phytonutrients. A Chenopodium based diet rich in polyphenols can provide significant protection against a variety of chronic diseases. According to the information shown above, the plant has been utilized for a variety of therapeutic purposes in the past. Analgesic, anti-inflammatory, cardioprotective, anthelmintic, antibacterial, antifungal, cytotoxic, and many other properties of the plant have been discovered. The phytoconstituents found in plants are primarily phenols, which are responsible for the effects. To separate the elements responsible for the biological activities, more research is required. As a result of the current literature review and ayurveda text, it was determined that the plant has a great therapeutic value. Traditional and ethnomedicinal literature revealed that the herb is extremely useful and safe for therapeutic purposes. A strong and safe medicine can be researched from the plant employing reverse pharmacological procedures in natural drug development for many chronic diseases suh as liver disorders, cancer, and other inflammatory diseases.
Supporting File
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