About The Journal

About The Journal

RGUHS Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences devoted to publishing the research articles and review articles depicting the present status and trends in pharm. Sciences and related disciplines including life sciences, articles of special interest covering the areas of pharm. Research, case study, teaching and learning, lab innovations, education technology, curriculum design, exam reforms, training and other related issues

Journal Aims and Scope

Aim: To become a medium of updated information tool for academicians and research scholars in the field of pharmacy and allied sciences.

Scope: To enable the budding scientists and professionals enrich their knowledge with access to scientific information in different areas of pharmacy


Journal Particulars

Title: RGUHS Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Frequency: Quarterly

ISSN: 2249-2208 (pISSN)

Publisher: Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences 

Chief Editor: Dr Satheesh Babu B K

Copyright: Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences 

Starting year: 2010(Print version) and 2015 (Online version)

Subject: Pharmacy and allied sciences.

Language: English

Publication format: Online

Email Id:  rguhsjps19@gmail.com

Website:  https://journalgrid.com/journals/rjps

Address: Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, 4th 'T' Block, Jayanagar, Bengaluru - 560041, Karnataka, India

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