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RJPS Vol No: 14 Issue No: 3 eISSN: pISSN:2249-2208

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Original Article

Hindustan Abdul Ahad*,1 Chinthaginjala Haranath,1 Manchikanti Sai Priyanka,2 Srikantham Sai Vikas,2 Swamygari Satya Harsha,2 Challa Mahesh Reddy

1: Department ofIndustrial Pharmacy, Raghavendra Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (RIPER), Ananthapuramu -515721 Andhra Pradesh, India

2: Department of Pharmaceutics, Raghavendra Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (RIPER), Ananthapuramu - 515721 Andhra Pradesh, India

Author for correspondence

Mr. Hindustan Abdul Ahad

Department of Industrial Pharmacy

Raghavendra Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (RIPER)

Ananthapuramu – 515721 Andhra Pradesh, India


Year: 2019, Volume: 9, Issue: 2, Page no. 10-14,
Views: 1034, Downloads: 27
Licensing Information:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0.

The authors were targeted to make prolonged discharge Temozolomide (TZD) tablets with a combination of herbal and artificial polymers.TZD matrix tablets were prepared with the combination of Datura stramonium leaves mucilage (DSLM) and Ethylcellulose. The blend was evaluatedfor flow possessions, and the designed tablets were characterized for the official and non-official tests including TZD discharge. The TZD matrix tablets possess good TZD content with possible pre and post formulation parameters. The study explored that no chemical interactions between TZD with polymers used. This was also noted that DSLM can be a good polymer when combined with other polymers for controlling the drug release.

<p>The authors were targeted to make prolonged discharge Temozolomide (TZD) tablets with a combination of herbal and artificial polymers.TZD matrix tablets were prepared with the combination of Datura stramonium leaves mucilage (DSLM) and Ethylcellulose. The blend was evaluatedfor flow possessions, and the designed tablets were characterized for the official and non-official tests including TZD discharge. The TZD matrix tablets possess good TZD content with possible pre and post formulation parameters. The study explored that no chemical interactions between TZD with polymers used. This was also noted that DSLM can be a good polymer when combined with other polymers for controlling the drug release.</p>
Temozolomide, Datura stramonium, mucilage, matrix
  • 1


The cancer isthreatening every living being on the globe, when the cancer-related to the brain is more pathetic. An appreciable work has done to diagnose, and treatment of cancer, butthe mortality rate threatens all.1

Temozolomide (TZD) is an oral alkylating agent to tackle brain cancers and to handle glioblastoma multiform and astrocytoma. TZD is about theimidazotetrazine group, with cent percent bioavailability with a mean half-life of 1.2h and good drug in the present study.2

Prolonged drug delivery systems with zero-order drug release can be achieved by various techniques, among them matrix system is simple, economical and effective.3 The use of costly polymers can be replaced by the economical and easily available weed herb- Datura stramonium leaves mucilage (DSLM).



The materials required in this work are illustrated in table 1.


Identification of Temozolomide

Identification of TZD was scrutinized for a physical look, melting point and solubility.

Method to estimate Temozolomide

TZD was dissolved in phosphate buffer pH 2.0 obtain 10 μg/ml solutions. Further diluted with the same buffer and scanned for λmax in a double beam UV-VIS Spectrophotometer, at 200 to 400 nm and λ max was found to be 330 nm4.

Temozolomide calibration curve

The procedure for plotting the TZD calibration curve5 was illustrated in chart 1.

Extraction of mucilage

The extraction and purification were performed as styled by Ahadet al.,20126. The fresh Datura stramonium leaves were washed, soaked and boiled in water. Later filtered isolates with Acetone,dried, # 80 sieved.

Drug excipient compatibility studies

Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)

The DSC analyses of the TZD and formulations blend were achieved with Perkin Elmer, FTIR spectrophotometer to check any drug-excipient interaction. Each sample was placed in an aluminium pan separately with heating rates of 10°C/min from 50-300°C under nitrogen 50 ml/ min.

FTIR study

FTIR spectra and characteristic peaks of TZD and TZD with an excipient blend were made by Bruker IR spectrophotometer.

Calibration curve

The TZD calibration curve shows a slope of 0.057x+0.0545 with a regression (R2) value of 0.9991 (Fig 1.).

Formulation of tablets by wet granulation technique

Steps involved in the preparation7 of MT shown in chart 2.

Pre formulation studies

The granules were subjected to flow patterns for checking their easy movement from the hopper to the tablet dyes for compression.8,9

Post formulation studies

The prepared tablets were characterized for the following parameters.10,11,12

Thickness of tablets

A sliding caliper was used to know the thickness of 5 tablets from each batch.

Uniformity of weight

20 tablets from each batch were weighed solely, and the mean weight was resolute. Later the unorthodoxy of individual weights was calculated.

Tablet hardness

5 tablets were randomly taken from each batch, and hardness was dogged by using Pfizer tester.

The loss on friability

A pre-weighed 10 tablets from each batch were allowed for 100 falls (4 min) from 6 inches and weighed after removing the dust.

Determination of drug content in tablets

TZD content in the MT was dogged by the procedure explained in chart 3.

In vitro dissolution studies

The dissolution conditions adopted for drug dissolution were concise in table 2.


Results API characterization

TZD appearance, melting point, and solubility were listed in chart 4.

Compatibility studies

Neither loss of specific peaks nor emissions of new peaks was seen in the DSC of TZD thermogram when compared to pure TZD which indicates no incompatibility of TZD with polymers used (table 3).

The FTIR spectra expressed that the typical bands of TZD were not rehabilitated in the physical mixtures, which confirms no negative dealings between TZD and EC and DS polymers.

Pre formulation studies

The flow parameters of the granules were illustrated in table 4.

Post formulation studies

The prepared MT was found to have uniformity in thickness (5 mm) and weight which represents the drug and excipients were blended systematically. The loss on friability was negligible (1%) and the hardness was > 4 Kg/cm2 indicates that the MT has appreciable strength. The TZD content in MT was found to be satisfactory as per the specifications (Table 5). The in vitro release indicates the controlled release of TZD from the formulation. Among the formulations, MT-5 showed controlled release for a prolonged period(Fig.2).

Release kinetics and mechanism

To know the mechanism of releaseand the kinetics of TZD optimized formulation, MT-5 fit into mathematical models and the R2 values for zeroorder, first order, Hixson Crowell’s and Korsmeyer Peppas models were illustrated in Table 6. This study revealed that the TZD release from the devices followed non-fickian release as the ‘n’ value is >0.5.


The authors in this study observed that the Temozolomide matrix tablet, extended the emission rate for a prolonged duration of more than 12 h with increased bioavailability and devoid of repetitive dosing and dose. This was also noted that Datura stramonium leaves mucilage can be a good polymer in combination with Ethylcellulose for controlling the drug release with reduced adverse effects and cost and with improved patient happiness and effectiveness.  

Supporting File

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4. Ishaq M, Ahad H, Muneer S, Parveen S, Fahmida B. Analytical method development and validation for the estimation of temozolomide in phosphate buffer in pH 2.0 as a solvent by UV spectroscopy. Int. Res. J. Pharm. 2014; 5:17- 20.

5. Mallapu R, Hindustan A, Sreenivasulu M, Kumar A, Ashwan K. Spectrophotometric determination of cefadroxil in pharmaceuticals dosage Forms by bromination method. Journal of Pharmacy Research. 2014; 4:739-40.

6. Hindustan AA, Babu UA, Nagesh K, Kiran DS, Madhavi KB. Fabrication of glimepiride Datura stramonium leaves mucilage and poly vinyl pyrrolidone sustained release matrix tablets: in vitro evaluation. Kathmandu university journal of science, engineering and technology. 2012; 8(1):63-72.

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9. Singh Y. Martin’s physical pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences. New Jersey: Department of Pharmaceutics Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey. 2006.

10. Ahad HA, Reddy BK, Ishaq BM, Kumar CH, Kumar CS. Fabrication and in vitro evaluation of glibenclamideAbelmoschusesculentus fruit mucilage controlled release matrix tablets. Journal of Pharmacy research. 2010;3(5):943-6.

11. Hindustan AA, Kumar BP, Haranath C, Reddy KS. Fabrication and evaluation of glimepiride Cordiadichotoma G. Forst fruit mucilage sustained release matrix tablets. Int J Chem Sci. 2009; 7(4):2555-60.

12. Narasimha Reddy D, Srinath MS. Ahad HA. Vamsi Krishna Reddy P., Krishna Mahesh Ch., Kranthi G. Formulation and in-vitro Evaluation of Glimepiride and Parecoxib Combination Mucoadhesive Tablets. Der Pharmacia Lettre. 2011; 3(1):185-92.

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