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RJPS Vol No: 14 Issue No: 3 eISSN: pISSN:2249-2208

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Editorial Article

Dr.Nitin Mahurkar

Editor-in-Chief, RJPS Prof. and HOD Pharmacology Professor-in-charge Pharma-D HKES’s Matoshree Taradevi Rampure Inst.of Pharm.Sc. Sedam Road, Kalaburagi-585 105 (K.S.) E-mail: Cell: +919945835706; 9110273736

Year: 2019, Volume: 9, Issue: 4, Page no. 2,
Views: 636, Downloads: 7
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0.


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It gives me immense pleasure and satisfaction to bring out the issue of RJPS Vol 9, issue 4 of 2019.

The buzzword around the world presently is ‘Corona’. This invisible entity has challenged the entire world that is considered most intelligent, highly evolved, highly progressive race and has taken the world under its grip that too overnight and so effortlessly! (Other invisible enemies also do exist that hold us in their grip in the form of desire, anger, might, jealousy, greed, infatuation etc!... Well…let me not deviate from viral science). The mighty human race that claims to control all other species and reached moon and mars and not only has placed its satellites in space, has established its authority and control has surrendered to an invisible enemy that exists with its full potential.

The major question that haunts at this juncture is whether it is manmade, or a natural calamity? Why has it appeared suddenly? Who is accountable for this episode? Where is the solution? All said and done at various levels about this corona virus, the precautionary measures, possible treatment etc., the moment it on knocks anybody’s door the panic of death is ready to give a fistful blow.

I feel, in the name of freedom, or sovereignty or to establish authority over others, human race has crossed its limits in all walks of life. Even the matters like religion (misnomer) which should be spiritualism that is meant for uplifting the soul to a level of godhood has been reduced to an issue of hatred, enmity, injustice, fights and for even waging wars! The misnomer of religion is perfectly working like opium for some and for others…..vice versa! If this is about believers, the atheists want to reduce human beings to a robotic stature and work on ‘might is right’ policy controlled by few. Probably nature is watching all of us very closely at all the times and wants to reciprocate the excesses committed by avenging with principle and interest component added to it! I recollect the verse 8:19 from Gita (Bhutagramasa…..Ratryagame avasha Partha..), that speaks about the helplessness of living beings at the fall of night i.e., in times of disaster/death.

The scientific aspects of COVID-19 are available around and hence, I have not covered them in my editorial. I feel it is high time for all of us to correct ourselves at all levels and become responsible citizens of the world.

I take this opportunity to thank the excellent support, encouragement and guidance of Hon’ble Vice chancellor Dr.S.Sacchidanand, Dr. B.J.Mahendra, Director Prasaranga, and other officials of RGUHS. I thank wholeheartedly the ready support of entire editorial team who has made magazine work a pleasureful experience.

Your valuable feedback will help in further improvement.

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