RJPS Journal Cover Page

RJPS Vol No: 14 Issue No: 4 eISSN: pISSN:2249-2208

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Editorial Article

Dr. A.R. Shabaraya

Editor, RJPS Principal & Director, Srinivas College of Pharmacy, Valachil, Mangalore - 574 143 E-mail:

Year: 2019, Volume: 9, Issue: 4, Page no. 1,
Views: 826, Downloads: 7
Licensing Information:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0.


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Dear Readers, 

Time has come to overhaul the pharmacy education system. There is a clarion call by the government of India for “Make in India concept”. This concept requires long term planning, strategic and purposeful investment in research and development in pharma industry also apart from other essential sectors. To achieve this, strong foundation for conceptualisation of research culture, innovations and rational use of available advanced resources should be introduced in the curriculum at an early stage of secondary education i.e at pre professional level itself.

Sincere efforts require to design curriculum from class room based to research based. The students should be encouraged to think innovatively, scientifically and rationally to evolve new products for the well being of the mankind.

The curriculum requires to be incorporated contemporary topics apart from the inputs about the basic professional subjects. For example, topics like rational, safe handling of drugs, methods to develop affordable medicines, risk management, risk assessment and lab project management etc. would go a long way in the desired transformation of the curricular aspects.

Govt of India is making all out efforts to bring more drugs on National list of essential medicines 2019, to bring down the prices and make them more affordable and accessible. More emphasis should be laid on studies on antimicrobial resistance, new combinations of multi drug formulations.

To achieve this, honest, sincere efforts should be initiated on professional platforms by involving progressive thinking professionals, educational regulatory bodies like Universities, Medical practitioners, Pharmaceutical industries and others who matter in the healthcare sector.Realisation of this concept may not be far away, provided all the stake holders in the healthcare system get sensitized regularly, consistently at every available professional event.

Digitalisation of the present day society in every sector is fast catching up, so the Pharma sector. The advanced technology will finally create digital society and people may experiencethe wonders they heard in mythological era.

This research journal is the hard work of editorial team, brought out research articles with new ideas. The editorial team is receptive to constructive criticism to improve the quality of the journal on sustainable basis. It gives great joy in placing Vol.9 (issue-4) of RJPS 2019 to esteemed readers.

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